Sunday, October 25, 2009

My favorite Artist!!

His artwork is innovative and unique. I enjoy observing his artwork and exploring there many meanings... its awesome!

Public Art

This piece of art is displayed in Chicago as a part of the "Cows on Parade" exhibit. I am originally from chicago and have had the honor of experiencing unique peices of art such as this. Chicago is a wonderful city full of art by the way!!!

Art education in schools

In my opinion, this form of self expression should be considered a neccessary study in school from grades k-12. Allowing children to explore there creativity openly supports behavior and self esteem. It will also be imperative as a tool in everyday life. Coloring is cool and all, but the moment you create a work of art with crayons and markers you gain a sense of accomplishment and know that everything will be all good!! ;)

I love this peice of architecture!...It doesnt get any better than legos!!!

These lovely ladies are definetely the best at incorporating an artistic element in ther attire!!

This video is a true work of art..And so is she!!!!!

Human behavior

At its best!

This image represents the present human condition in many ways. In a place filled with famine and poverty it sux to know that there is so much media and attention dedicated to the glorification of earthly possesions like diamonds and gold. Its given more value than education in some cases and frequently worshiped. The effectiveness of these items is comparable to polishing a turd.....whats the point???

Total representation of the human struggle!!

This sculpture embodies one of mankind's most difficult task to conqure; Peace, world peace that is. Is it possible? Can a population of similar organisms coexist in harmony and understanding. Is there hope for a world without senseless war and money hungry parasites that attempt to control every aspect of life??????? Why Not!!!!

This film is obviously a work of art. The artwork in this film is dynamic and extremely unique.Definetly underappreciated!!